In 1940, Katherine George Siksek, a Palestinian Christian of great faith, a teacher’s wife and resident of the Old City of Jerusalem, began the work of the Four Homes of Mercy. As a young woman who knew some English, she volunteered for the British Red Cross immediately after World War I and learned first hand of the suffering of the impoverished residents of the Old City. Attempting to alleviate the suffering, in 1924 with a few friends, she established The Orthodox Invalids’ Home for the Destitute Sick to provide food and medical care for those in need.
Katherine Siksek and Henrietta Siksek Farradj
Katherine George Siksek, our Founder
A Glimpse into the Life of Katherine Siksek,
A Life of Light and Love
7th April 1894 – 3rd May 1973
As recounted by Henreitta Siksek Farradj, daughter of the Katherine and the continuing guiding light of the Four Homes of Mercy
She envisioned the establishment of The Four Homes of Mercy and attended to those with special needs. She toiled endlessly, faith and love her only guide.
Henrietta Siksek Farradj, Executive Honorary Secretary
On May 3rd, 1973, upon her mother's death, Katherine's daughter, Henrietta Siksek Farradj, a renowned writer and broadcaster of children's stories, and teacher assumed the mantle of vision of leadership which she carried until her death in 2016.
Liz Mulford, President of The Friends of The Four Homes of Mercy and Katherine George Siksek the Foundress
The Friends of the Four Homes of Mercy
The American 501(c)(3) Charity established to support The Homes.
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